Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Potter stuffs

So, I have been sucked into the Harry Potter things. I have always followed the series, and just seemed to have died down. Well so I thought, I once again got the bug and I'm trying to finish The Half Blood Prince, so I can start the last Potter book. We went to see the movie today, I give it 4 stars, I love the movies. There are always weird things to notice. Dumbledore didn't wear his glasses much, only once that I saw. Ok enough about the movie.

I didn't get out to stand in lines at midnight all dressed up, but it would have been interesting to see. I don't know if they do those kinda things where I used to live, and the small city that is an hour from where I do live now. I guess I'll never know.

They showed some movies that look worth watching, but of course, I have to read the books first. I have my book list to work on, and it's only getting longer. I need to spend less time online, and more with my nose in books. I am working on that anyway.

I'm too scared to look to see what goes on in the blogs, because I know somewhere I'm going to run across something that kills the book for me LOL I hate endings to be ruined.

Be Blessed!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Aha! Something New

I think I'll try to get something started here. I always hear of blogs, well I used to, it's not so much the buzz anymore. Well not where I read anyway.

It's quiet here at work, too quiet, and the time is going by so slowly. I should speed up soon, or I am hoping so.

What do you put in these things anyway? I ramble a lot, so I am not sure if I will have anything of interest.

I was listening to Air 1, it is a great Christian radio station, and they said that Korn band member Brian "Head" Welch was no longer in the band and has found God. Wow, I almost fell out of my seat. What news to hear. I think it's old news for most but I hadn't heard about it. He has a book out n such, but I haven't read it. It's on my "to read" list, I'll let you know what I think.

It is almost 11, I should start some work again, I could be back, don't know, but could hah!

Be Blessed!