Saturday, December 29, 2007

Where are you Christmas...

Ahh, the season came and went so quickly! Remember as a child it came so slowly. School never seemed to end, then you got this long break it seemed. I miss those days.

I had a really good Christmas, got a few goodies, ate like a pig and just relaxed. Well I slept a bit, I didn't sleep much at all Christmas Eve, I was wanting to sneek a peek at old St. Nick :P

Now I'm waiting for New Years to come around. Wow, what a year!!! I can't believe it is coming to and end so fast, only a few more days left. I think I am just going to hang out with family to ring in the new year. I have been invited to go to a friend's bro's house but I don't know if I want to do that. I think family is the way to go this holiday :P

I'm off to ebay, I'm wanting to get this work out dvd that I've been hearing about.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

nothing like a movie

to help you realize how miserable you are

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

i r dead

it'd be nice to be able to function sometime this december. ugh, doods i've been since since the 1st, and yeah just because it's the 4th doesn't mean it hasn't been that long. i swear if this crap lasts through the 24th, i'm going to seriously beat something.

i'm still not able to hold my head up properly LOL picture a 26 no wait 27 year old bobbling head, kind of like a newborn. lmao i must be half dead because i'm laughing at my own crap. geez, i hope this is gone by the weekend. i just want to relax this weekend. i don't even want to go shopping, just a time to veg and be merry.

i left my drink in Austin, ugh, now i won't be merry this weekend.


hmmmmm, i don't have any news to share other then my car is going to really really cost me, if I can't figure out what is going on with it. the car dealership is good to go, as long as i pay out the wazoo for it.

...i remember when i didn't have to do all this paying and car dealing on my was so much easier then...but i wouldn't go back to that for the world...
