Thursday, November 29, 2007's no Starbucks :|

I want coffee, it's been on my mind for the whole week. The closest Starbucks is 51 miles away, mebe a bit further. Out of luck, so there is a place here that sales some. I decided mebe I should try it sometime. Well this a.m. I broke down and went to get some. I can't tell you how much I pay at Starbucks, but here, I decided to get the tall, hah! I should have gone with the Grande, Pengui, what are you thinking??

So here I am about 20 mins later and the stuff is still TOO hot for me to drink. I know coffee is hot, but dood, I would like to keep my lips and tongue. It isn't too bad tasting, but I'm spoiled, I like my fancy schmancy coffee. Now I must have some, and soon.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Random Words

ok, words that are put together to make some sort of sense, but not really. perfect start. i was watching the news, and they were talking about "baby grace" and of course, i think they are finding something to blame her death on. her mom and the boyfriend, I guess, mebe they were married, anyhow, they met on world of warcraft, and there was talk of being "obsessed" with the game. On the news this a.m. they made a point to show the fighting n such in the game, and how people from all over get into it and spend hours and hours on the comp playing. Anyhow, the dood really did a number on this kid. She had 3 skull fractures, and had been thrown across the room, some other stuff as well. It was just horrible to hear/read, during research later.

they didn't say that it WAS because of WoW, but they made it a point to talk about the game and their "obsession" with the game. Ugh, I don't understand why people have to blame such horrible doings, on things that have nothing to do with the crime.

I guess if I ever lost it they'd have a few things to blame it on, but my mom, they'd have to blame her lunacy on her evil cat *giggle*

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Ok so the hunt is on for a place that will hook me up with some tires for a good price. I'm such a freak about not blowing my money in one spot so I've been researching. Geez, who'd have though. Why can't I be one of those people that just say oh ok I need some tires, point to the first ones I see and hand over my card. NOOO not me! It doesn't work that way. Oy!

So I finally got the oil changed in my car and all is well.

Welp dood just called and the price is good, so I will have good new tires on my car tomorrow. Speedy is all fixed up. LOL That's her name, it fits her well :P

Mebe I need to go to some sort of meeting about my spazing out about things that REALLY don't need to be stressed over. Geez!

Be Blessed!

Monday, November 12, 2007

teh stretch

it's Monday, I should be in bed right now, but nope, I'm working. Why can't I have the same holidays as the banks/gov does. That would be awesome. Ahh well, it is quiet, well other then my co-worker walking in saying ok were were we. My sleepy eyed reply was uhhh, *insert completely wrong prop here* haha a few days has passed as well as a few drinks and I'm supposed to remember what is what from Friday. I think people expect too much from me :P haha

the weekend was good. I didn't do much of a lot, but I was chilled, and relaxed. That is how it should be. My car is clean, well the outside anyway, thanks Guy *hugs* today I take on the inside, it's not too bad, just needs a vacuum and the penguin trash to be taken out, and a new scent thing changed. Ugh reminds me, I need to take it in to get the oil changed and at some point, I'm going to have to break down and get some new tires. I don't know if my bank is ready for all that haha!

I am waiting to get XM radio for my car too. Mebe it will be an early Christmas present for me. I think I deserve it, I can't be sporting around a car with no good choons. Well other then cd's but sometimes I just want to plethora of diff choons.

Wooo Thanksgiving is almost here, I'm excited and then Christmas :D < my super big smile time for shopping, I think people are getting books this year. I think everyone deserves a good book every now and then, now just to find something they all like. What a nurd I am :P

Oki, now off to do some net search for pressies!

Be Blessed!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

when i close my eyes

i am not where i should be

i am not sure where i am to be

just not here


i don't know why that thought often haunts me, but it does. i know not where i am to be or what i am to be doing. small town life is not for me, that i know of. i don't mind it, but i just don't see me being me here. well no that sounds wrong, i am me no matter where i am. i'm not one person here and another over there, that would be lying. that's not what i'm about, not now, not ever *heh*

this day is slow moving, and i have been busy, it makes for a long one. it's not a complaint, yet, but it may very well turn into one. why complain though, it gets me no where, right?

plans...hmm can't say i have any for anything soon. mebe i should make some...what to do what to do.

i need to do some Christmas brain storming, that i will do. Christmas, i think it's going to be great, i don't miss having someone around that is always bring me down, mebe it will be fun. alone, i just hate that. but that's all in the mind right? we'll see

meh, 'nuff rambling, it's just too quiet here, the whirring of the computer and fans are lulling me to sleep,...sleep, that sound nice, mebe i should go back to writing. like poetry writing, i think i could do something like that, it has been long enough. i might even post it here, who knows...mebe.

be blessed!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Oh Yeah Oh Yeah!!

*does the it's Friday dance*

It's weird that these days the weeks to by sooo fast. Well Wed. didn't go by fast, I kept falling asleep here at work and praying that the clock would somehow at some point get to 5:00, it did and I went home and crashed. I got some much needed zzz's.

It's that time again to go over there. Over where you ask, mmm just there, you know when you close your eyes, get in the car and point the nose where you want to go and auto-pilot takes over. Yeah, that's the way to be. I'm seriously going to just pack up my gear one of these weekend and head off, mebe north this time, I seem to drive south a lot, so north it is. I wonder where I'll end up, lost indeed, but I'm sure I'll get somewhere.

I plan on doing as little as possible this weekend, I don't do a whole lot, but I just want to lay low, have some drinks, laugh, think and enjoy the time. Mebe if I greatly enjoy it, I'll take Monday off. Hah! Ok, mebe not, but oh well. I work a lot, well I should say I go to work a lot, I don't always have something to do, but that is what I like about my job.

Channel 9 on XM Radio is always playing something good on Fridays, puts me in the mood to dance around, in my socks *it's wintertime, so I can wear my cutesy color socks with designs* and sing along at the top of my lungs. Hah, good times good times.

My bro is being unusually odd, I wonder what's up with him??

Be Blessed!