Thursday, September 27, 2007


I guess the day before my birthday has me thinking about moi! I don't know but it seems that it has just landed on me, EVERYTHING. I can't complain, life is good, it wasn't always, but about 6 months ago, it was turned upside down and inside out and just about every which way you can imagine. Was I mad, heck yes! In the end, I know it was a blessing, it was a blessing because I know that my wonderful Lord and Savior probably had ENOUGH! I can't thanks or praise Him enough for getting me out of a situation that I seemed to keep digging myself deeper into! Oh thanks you precious Lord!

I'm not one of those in your face, if you don't go to church you are going to hell kind of people, but I am one of those that will just stop pray and then keep walking. Oh yeah, there is nothing like the feeling of knowing, I'm in direct contact with Him at all times, just takes a sec to say umm Hello Lord :P

I've been struggling with the church situation, I don't feel "at home" there, but I also don't know where to turn. Do I go back to my roots of the Catholic church that is tossed aside by EVERY other denomination, it's how I felt sitting in the other places and they pray for EVERY church BUT the church I grew up in, kinda messes one up ya know? I just kept praying and moving forward, but now I am stuck. I don't know what way to turn. I'm Christian, I'm not Catholic, I'm not Baptist, I'm not Methodist, I'm just Christian, I don't want to have to put a "brand" on me ya know? Aye such struggles I seem to put myself in.

I am not looking for "you need to do this, or you need to do that" I am just posting feelings of how I am feeling. I know that at some point it will all come together.

Hmm, I want Starbucks!

Be Blessed!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Halo 3

Well I have heard NOTHING about it! I will get it later this week or so, but I figured I'd see tons of stuff about it. Mebe not eh?

I guess I'll add that to the list of things I am waiting for.

Birthday count down: 2 days!

Be Blessed!

Friday, September 21, 2007


So apparently having some stomach bug was not good enough. Nooo! I have to go and come down with some cold. This is insane! I'm here at work though, I don't know what I'm doing here, oh yeah, getting paid. I am so tempted to just take the rest of the day off at noon. Don't know if I can though. I just want to sleep.

Mebe I'll ask my bro to hook up the PS2 in my room so I can watch Friday Night Lights the series so I can be caught up by the time the new season starts.

I have nothing good to report, so I guess this will be short and sweet ;)

Be Blessed!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

So he was tased

I followed a link not knowing what was going on. The guy was being disruptive and well he wasn't doing what the police told him to do. I don't know if it was bad enough to be tased over, but he wasn't doing what they said to do.

I checked out to see what was being said and many think it was out of hand and others thought he got what he deserved. For speaking his mind, I think meh whatever, but for not doing what the police said, well he got it. They told him over and over, I just don't understand some people. Apparently he has a website that shows him doing other jokes n things, so not sure if it was some sort of set up he had planned. I don't think getting shocked was in the plan though.

I guess I'll never understand people.

Be Blessed!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Death knocking at my door

Ugh, I woke up feeling like I was about to die. It could have happened at anytime, yet here I am suffering. I don't now where I got it from, but my throat has been scratchy and yuck feeling. This morning it was the same, but worse. Does that even make sense? I debated NOT coming to work, but I think that would have caused an uproar, since I am the only one that knows how to work the software program that we plot our plats on. Ugh!! I was walking up the sidewalk when I heard, "We have to change that plat" Gee, I wasn't even at work technically and already having to work. I do have the option to go home at lunch if I am not feeling better. I'm going to try to stay as long as I can, because if I get worse, I will stay home tomorrow.

Sick little kids are evil! They make those taller then them ill. But they are cute as ever haha!

Ugh, cold coffee is gross! I need a refill, but refuse to go back upstairs. I need to start packing my own coffees while I am here. Is it even legal to drink coffee while you are sick? Does it make you feel worse? I think it's making my tummy hurt. Aye, I just want to go crawl under my blankies way down in bed, and make the yuckies to away. Someone help!!!

I guess I should get something done today, well something else at least!

Be Blessed!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Oh Yeah!?!?!

It is funny how walking through life you meet some very interesting pickles. There have been many in my life already, but growing up in a small town you don't get to see what the world really has to offer. Even living in a small city in west Texas didn't open up my eyes the way my travels have as of late.

This weekend I went to Austin to visit some friends, hah! I must say I had a good time. I took a walk down memory lane, following the sounds of high school choons HAH!! You never now how big of a doofus you were until you go back and listen to the songs that blared out of the speakers of passing cars. What possesses us to fill out minds with such lyrics haha!

I must say I had the pleasure of meeting someone new, Mr. Hammy *giggle* this four legger made me smile constantly. He has these huge eyes that just speak volumes. His owner would have NONE of me bringing him home, hah! next time my friend, next time. *throws fist up in the air in protest* Kids kill me, the things they come up with are just too cute. The lil one called the dood, Guy, I guess she calls it as she sees em eh? So it was Guy's birthday, since I've not had any kinda drinks in forever it seemed, I figured we could sit around and have a few. Aye, a few turned into too many for me. I must say yesterday morning, I could have died and felt great! Hangover headaches are nothing to laugh at, and being nauseated was just as bad. Bread and water are NOT the cures you want to play with, but I tried it and what seemed like forever later I was feeling good as new.

It is always great getting out of my little town and out into the city. I do look forward to going back and just have a good time again, the only bad part is the drive to and from. Ugh, I'm not good with an empty passenger seat and NO Starbucks, I never made the trip to the fancy schmancy coffee stop, but perhaps next time.

I still need to find out why I find "a la tu ya" so dang hillanimous *giggle*

Be Blessed!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Ramblings here and there

I have hit a wall, or something. Church was excruciating *how do you spell that?* to sit through on Sunday. I was hot, I was yucky feeling, and just DID NOT want to be there. Praise and Worship wasn't anything great, and the message, I could bearly sit through. I remember thinking, please hurry up, I just can't sit here anymore.

Geez, I've NEVER felt like that, but I just couldn't help it. I don't know what the deal was. I don't think that it is time for a change, because I don't have another choice for a place to go. I guess thats NOT a perk to living in a small town. At times, I'm really uncomfortable being there because of the way people look at me. I know I am not there for the people, but for the Lord, but the people make it hard to be there. Aye, what is one to do.

The weekend for me was ok. I don't have any complaints. There was a family reunion this weekend. I went to the dance. It was ok, I saw the girl that everyone seems to keep mistaking me for. You'd think because I was born here they'd know me. I don't look like this girl. She has curly hair and wears glasses, *I guess we are the ONLY TWO in this small city that does* I honestly don't think that the family cares much for me. They've always given me that impression. If they DON'T have to talk to me they won't. I'm ok with that, I just think it is funny.

I just realized this sounds like an everyone is out to get me post. Oh dear!! It's not a big deal, I just think it's funny. In the 2 places that I want to be *church and family* I get these no so great vibes. I'm living, and I'm good, so that is all I'm worried about.

Now I am paranoid at sound like I'm one of those sillies that think everyones out to get them. THIS IS MY DIARY DANG IT!!! LOL

Be Blessed!