Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Death knocking at my door

Ugh, I woke up feeling like I was about to die. It could have happened at anytime, yet here I am suffering. I don't now where I got it from, but my throat has been scratchy and yuck feeling. This morning it was the same, but worse. Does that even make sense? I debated NOT coming to work, but I think that would have caused an uproar, since I am the only one that knows how to work the software program that we plot our plats on. Ugh!! I was walking up the sidewalk when I heard, "We have to change that plat" Gee, I wasn't even at work technically and already having to work. I do have the option to go home at lunch if I am not feeling better. I'm going to try to stay as long as I can, because if I get worse, I will stay home tomorrow.

Sick little kids are evil! They make those taller then them ill. But they are cute as ever haha!

Ugh, cold coffee is gross! I need a refill, but refuse to go back upstairs. I need to start packing my own coffees while I am here. Is it even legal to drink coffee while you are sick? Does it make you feel worse? I think it's making my tummy hurt. Aye, I just want to go crawl under my blankies way down in bed, and make the yuckies to away. Someone help!!!

I guess I should get something done today, well something else at least!

Be Blessed!

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