Thursday, September 27, 2007


I guess the day before my birthday has me thinking about moi! I don't know but it seems that it has just landed on me, EVERYTHING. I can't complain, life is good, it wasn't always, but about 6 months ago, it was turned upside down and inside out and just about every which way you can imagine. Was I mad, heck yes! In the end, I know it was a blessing, it was a blessing because I know that my wonderful Lord and Savior probably had ENOUGH! I can't thanks or praise Him enough for getting me out of a situation that I seemed to keep digging myself deeper into! Oh thanks you precious Lord!

I'm not one of those in your face, if you don't go to church you are going to hell kind of people, but I am one of those that will just stop pray and then keep walking. Oh yeah, there is nothing like the feeling of knowing, I'm in direct contact with Him at all times, just takes a sec to say umm Hello Lord :P

I've been struggling with the church situation, I don't feel "at home" there, but I also don't know where to turn. Do I go back to my roots of the Catholic church that is tossed aside by EVERY other denomination, it's how I felt sitting in the other places and they pray for EVERY church BUT the church I grew up in, kinda messes one up ya know? I just kept praying and moving forward, but now I am stuck. I don't know what way to turn. I'm Christian, I'm not Catholic, I'm not Baptist, I'm not Methodist, I'm just Christian, I don't want to have to put a "brand" on me ya know? Aye such struggles I seem to put myself in.

I am not looking for "you need to do this, or you need to do that" I am just posting feelings of how I am feeling. I know that at some point it will all come together.

Hmm, I want Starbucks!

Be Blessed!

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