Monday, September 17, 2007

Oh Yeah!?!?!

It is funny how walking through life you meet some very interesting pickles. There have been many in my life already, but growing up in a small town you don't get to see what the world really has to offer. Even living in a small city in west Texas didn't open up my eyes the way my travels have as of late.

This weekend I went to Austin to visit some friends, hah! I must say I had a good time. I took a walk down memory lane, following the sounds of high school choons HAH!! You never now how big of a doofus you were until you go back and listen to the songs that blared out of the speakers of passing cars. What possesses us to fill out minds with such lyrics haha!

I must say I had the pleasure of meeting someone new, Mr. Hammy *giggle* this four legger made me smile constantly. He has these huge eyes that just speak volumes. His owner would have NONE of me bringing him home, hah! next time my friend, next time. *throws fist up in the air in protest* Kids kill me, the things they come up with are just too cute. The lil one called the dood, Guy, I guess she calls it as she sees em eh? So it was Guy's birthday, since I've not had any kinda drinks in forever it seemed, I figured we could sit around and have a few. Aye, a few turned into too many for me. I must say yesterday morning, I could have died and felt great! Hangover headaches are nothing to laugh at, and being nauseated was just as bad. Bread and water are NOT the cures you want to play with, but I tried it and what seemed like forever later I was feeling good as new.

It is always great getting out of my little town and out into the city. I do look forward to going back and just have a good time again, the only bad part is the drive to and from. Ugh, I'm not good with an empty passenger seat and NO Starbucks, I never made the trip to the fancy schmancy coffee stop, but perhaps next time.

I still need to find out why I find "a la tu ya" so dang hillanimous *giggle*

Be Blessed!


Guy said...

"guy" hah, well at least its better than other names I've been given from little ones. Glad you had a good time inspite of the hang-over blues. Next time we'll have to hit Star Bucks since its right there. Mr. Hammy knows right where to go.:) Here's hoping it won't be to your place.

heartcutepenguins said...

LOL next time you come by, leave somewhere I can note you back :P