Monday, October 29, 2007

i got half a life ;)

Morning morning! I'm trying to wake up, I'm in the 3rd hour of my work day and I can't keep my eyes open. I got in a bit late last night from "over there" I made one phone call, turned on comp to check mails, and then lay down and watched Lisa Williams' show. It was great, I don't think I have anyone that would want to talk to me from the "other side" but hey, mebe one day I will talk to her. I know I passed out soon after it was over, so under an hour *I was skipping commercials, they just ruin the shows* I don't know why I feel so dead this morning. Needs Starbucks I'm thinking.

The past couple of weeks, I have been reading the archives of little-gamers, today I have caught up and now have completely read the whole collection. The lil doods make me laugh, and I like to read the rants that Mr. Madsen writes hah! I just feel bad for Marcus, he is hated on, makes me want to give him a huggle haha! Plastic dolls need luvs too :P I think he takes care of em all.

Ugh, I need foods, I didn't feel like eating this a.m. so I drove to the drive in of evil and got my dollar DP and came to work. I hope something good is for lunch because my tummy is talking to me, and needs to be hushed.

I need sleep, badly.

oooh yeah, Hinder is in a town over there, not sure if I am going, but if not, I will beat my brother repeatedly, because it will be his fault if I can't go.

mmm yeah, oki that's it.

Be Blessed!

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